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7 months ago
Note also that before the messengers arrived at Lot's house, God had already spoken to Abraham saying their sin was very grievous. Gen. 18:20, 21. Peter also said it was filthy conduct, licentiousness and lasciviousness, 2 Peter 2:7. See the word "aselgeia." Sexual acts between men was abomination, Lev. 18:22; 20:10.
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7 months ago
Sodom in this text is not a reference to the ancient people of Gen. 18 & 19 Sodom here is a metaphor for Jerusalem or the southern Kingdom of Judah. See Jere. 3:10, 11, where Judah and Israel (the northern) kingdom are two sisters to whom God was married, but both of whom had committed adultery against him.

Jerusalem is also called Sodom in Isa. 1:10, Jer. 23:14, and Rev. 11:8.
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