35 Views· 12/28/22· Entertainment

X-Plane 11 - TorqueSim Cirrus SR22TN G3 - New York to Washington | Vatsim [Log 054]

Quentin Parker
4 Subscribers

A pleasant slice down the mid-Atlantic with full point-to-point Vatsim coverage. The mission was to see how the Enhanced Skyscapes clouds and X-America autogen from SimHeaven affected my scenery. Then, as I finalized this video's edits, I got the word that the X-Plane 12 Public Beta dropped and I realized that this might be my last XP11 flight and video. Surprised to say that it made me a little sad. So I'm gonna enjoy this video and, if you can get beyond the stuttering and my labored breathing, maybe you can like it, too :)

KJFK Take-off at 06:28.
KDCA approach 16:46.
Final approach at 21:20.

The rig specs (abbreviated):
i7-8700K @ 3.7 GHz CPU
Z370-A PRO Motherboard
Ballistix Sport LT (16GBx2) RAM
GTX 1080 FTW2 8GB
GN246HL Bbid 24-Inch Display, 1920 x 1080 @ 144mhz
Honeycomb Aeronautical Alpha Flight Controls
Honeycomb Aeronautical Bravo Throttle Quadrant
Thrustmaster Flight Rudder Pedals (with Thrustmaster TR J12 USB Adapter)
TrackIR 5 Optical Head Tracking Controller
Windows 11 64-bit OS

#Vatsim #EnhancedSkyskapes #SimHeaven

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